Aliens, Planets and Nebulae! Crew and Spaceship Creation
On the first day of Aliens, Planets and Nebulae (APN), learners will create their characters and spaceships: Materials: Printout of Crew Member Sheet (one per learner) An option is to use this Google Sheets workbook instead of (or in addition to) printouts Map of the Galaxy with Current Position Fee

On the first day of Aliens, Planets and Nebulae (APN), learners will create their characters and spaceships:
- Printout of Crew Member Sheet (one per learner)
- An option is to use this Google Sheets workbook instead of (or in addition to) printouts
- Map of the Galaxy with Current Position
- Feel free to make your own maps – this is an RPG after all
- Large paper, modeling tools, or graph paper for learners to design their spaceship
Class Objectives:
- Each learner will create a crew member
- Encourage consultation to choose specialties that will create a diverse crew
- Go over how abilities are calculated (evaluating functions)
- Option 1: Facilitator can keep a workbook of abilities for students (with formulas) (This is recommended for younger or time constrained classes)
- Option 2: Facilitator can have students track their own abilities and recalculate them when they level-up (This takes time and is a great practice for evaluating expressions, but don’t let it take over the class)
- Facilitator may still choose to keep the workbook to keep track of class abilities
Facilitator Flow:
- Welcome learners to the crew of a new starship sitting at Space Station Alpha.
- Show a visual of the galaxy
- Split Class into groups of 4-7 (each group is a separate crew/ship)
- If virtual or using google sheets, then have a separate workbook for each crew
- The backstory is that they are a new crew in the Mathematical Astronomical Science Society (MASS)
- MASS solves problems and comes to the aid of many in need throughout the galaxy.
- Distribute Crew Member creation sheets:
- Choose One Species
- Humanoid – resembles human, Cephalopod (more like a squid), Reptilian, metamorphic (shape shifting)
- Choose One Specialty
- Diplomacy
- Leadership qualities, negotiation, communication
- Designs the bridge of the ship
- Medical/Science
- Doctor, experimental expertise, and good with scientific knowledge
- Designs the infirmary and greenhouse
- Pilot/Navigation
- Knows how to fly ships of various species
- Designs outside appearance of ship
- Engineering
- Manages sensors, engines, life support, etc.
- Designs any of those systems
- Intelligence
- Knows how to gather data, spy, disguise
- Designs ship common spaces
- Security
- Knows weapon systems, defensive tactics, and manages security
- Designs shield and weapon system for ship
- Diplomacy
- Choose one hobby and special skill
- These are anything students want them to be that fall into the realm of the possible
- Skateboarding, instruments, blacksmithing, martial arts, chess, etc.
- These hobbies and skills may come in use during missions
- These are anything students want them to be that fall into the realm of the possible
- Students can roll dice or choose height, weight, and age
- Choose One Species
- Explain that the structure of the class allows for extra ability points for work well done, innovation, and unique ways that they use their skills/hobbies and specialties.