mathober 2024 sketches
It’s mathober! I will be updating this page with my sketches (in procreate and code for this year. Procreate sketches: (not all will be done this month – they take longer): P5js sketches: The code is on my codepen collection here.
A blizzard
A collective noun for snowy owls is a blizzard. I doodled Koch snowflakes with a blizzard of these superb owls. They hunt day and night and are an utter delight to observe.
Mathober Pieces
Mathober 2023 Prompts are here.This year I used a mix of p5js and procreate to play with stellar scenes – enjoy! There were some great sketches on Mathstodon including hilarious videos, comics, generative music, puns, and more. Links on titles take you to codePen full page view. Some days I played w
Mathober 2023 Prompts
Mathober is just right around the corner, so I thought I’d post this year’s prompts early for those that like to plan ahead or incorporate any of this into a classroom. I look forward to seeing everyone’s creative expression of this year’s prompts. If you’ve never participated – join in! Here are so
Raven Paradox
Raven’s were a fun one to research. I had a hard time selecting the math for these intriguing birds. From vocalizations to intelligence to barrel rolls – it was a tough pick. I ended up going with the Raven Paradox. I couldn’t resist including a leucistic feather (not all ravens are black).