4 min read

Mathober Pieces

Mathober 2023 Prompts are here.This year I used a mix of p5js and procreate to play with stellar scenes – enjoy! There were some great sketches on Mathstodon including hilarious videos, comics, generative music, puns, and more. Links on titles take you to codePen full page view. Some days I played w
a stary scene with an apollonian gasket

Mathober 2023 Prompts are here.
This year I used a mix of p5js and procreate to play with stellar scenes – enjoy! There were some great sketches on Mathstodon including hilarious videos, comics, generative music, puns, and more.

Links on titles take you to codePen full page view. Some days I played with desmos as well.

Day 1 – Kiss

to just touch a little

with an atom of being

infinitely close
a stary scene with an apollonian gasket

Desmos sketch here.

Day 2 – Symmedial

angles cleaved in two

leave us these lines to reflect

our bond to center
a starry scene with a symmedial triangle - orange hue

Desmos sketch here.

Day 3 – Internal

this similitude

reminds us — we are but scaled

copies of ourselves
tow spheres tethered in s starry scene with blue hues

Desmos sketch here.

Day 4 – Section

when we see sections

of ourselves — our potential

manifests loci
a starry scene with green hues projected on a conic secont

Day 5 – Supergraph

our minds are but nodes

connected to other nodes

supergraphs of thought
a pink-hued starry scene with a constellation supergraph

Day 6 – Weak

we all seek something

 — but some of us search for that

which lives in our minds
a dark starry scene with spheres connected

Day 7 – Skew

you lean with each breath

an asymmetric beauty

skewing towards light

a pink starry sky with blue land and skewed cones on the surface

Day 8 – Counting

life — made of cycles

of celestial bodies

take time — to observe
a staryy scene with a green hue

Day 9 – Hierarchy

we are but strange loops

beginning — as but star dust

waiting to return
an impossible triangle in a circle frame

Day 10 – Nowhere-Neat

we have these pieces

that touch, but not completely

and nowhere neatly
nowhere-neat tiles with pink starry scene projected on them

Day 11 – Quadratic

we are but loci

formed from a celestial

focus of matter
many quadratics at the same vertex drawn with stars

Day 12 – Twist

forces — invisible

can pull these orbits — a dance

bound together — twist
twisting shapes next to a star in the sky - almost like fireworks

Day 13 – Repeating

rings of time dance here

in this moment we call life

repeating sunrise
an atom-like scene with a star at the center

Day 14 – Cohomology

it is our gaps — holes

that define the loops in which

pass through our being
a torus made of points that are golden sphere in a starry scene

Day 15 – Condition

a breath — in and out

a cycle of condition

breathe universe — breathe
a starry scene with clouds making a circular tunnel

Day 16 – Index

in our very base

rests a potential power

of infinity
two stars with orbits of stars with orbits of stars in a yellowish nebula cloud

Day 17 – Excision

what is taken out

can change the very being

of what you are — self
a triangle in a purple starry scene with a smaller triangle inside and vertices connected.

Day 18 – Regression

what seems so scattered

may correlate to what we

cannot perceive — lines
a regression line among stars with green clouds

Day 19 – Diagonal

we have vertices

that connect by going through

our innermost self
a graph centered around a large star in a starry scene

Day 20 – Sequence

the difficulty

is with the wanting to sum

our sequence — of time
a visual proof in a purple starry scene for the sum of 1/4^n

Day 21 – Cyclotomic

divide this circle

infinite and even parts

this — apeirogon
a circle with spokes going to a center star in an orange and red scene

Day 22 – Movable

how rigid we are

is infinitesimally

movable — a flex
shapes inside a larger shape with a starry scene as a shader

I learned to use p5.geometry and got code for making model work here.

Jessen’s icosahedron was created by using vertices in this file.

Day 23 – Axiom

with two points in time

a connection forms— beyond

parallels exist
curves of stars with parallel lines in a teal starry scene

Day 24 – Weight

the weights of these threads

connect us to the weights of

thoughts and memories
a weighted graph with the number of circles indicating the weight of a vertex in a purple/pink starry scene

Day 25 – Gyrate

here, we all gyrate

— spinning around an axis

of pure — utter joy

a starry scene with faint stars curving with 3x radial symmetry

Day 26 – Correspondence

a meditation

can correspond with angles

of parallel self
a circle with radially symmetric lines and arcs throughout in a pink starry scene

Day 27 – Power

from our base — our core

we can rise up — and ascend

to a place of peace

white poppies in a yellow-hazed starry scene

Day 28 – Hypotraceable

this simplicity

forms when you remove a part

of what defines you
a starry scene with a rotationally symmetric hypotraceable graph

Day 29 – Exchange

stardust is exchanged

and becomes the state of you

connected — ancient
a circle made of circle stacks coming out from the center with countable stars going from zero to 14 in a puple starry scene

Day 30 – Removable

sometimes what stops us —

makes us pause — is what we miss

— what’s removable
curvy lines in a starry scene on a circle with points removed

Day 31 – Radial

multiple passes

brings deeper understanding

radial — days — nights
stars highlighted in a scene as a radar line scans and makse them brighter with a reddish hue

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