Math Birds Heron’s Formula Maybe we should start naming all math formulas and theorems after birds. This one wouldn’t have to change under this new renaming… I do love being able to find an area of a triangle given the lengths of its sides. Heron’s formula information: [https:/
coding Random Math Poetry I think the challenge here is to find the math that can fit the poetry… If you want a browser tab version, click here. You can also edit it and change the words as well. Below is the codepen: See the Pen OJNKQmE by Sophia (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.
coding Parametric Play! Here are some simple animations with parametric equations. What you see below is a function and its inverse. If you click, you will get another semi-random equation. See the Pen qBZgZvW by Sophia (@fractalkitty) on CodePen.