A blizzard
A collective noun for snowy owls is a blizzard. I doodled Koch snowflakes with a blizzard of these superb owls. They hunt day and night and are an utter delight to observe.
Mathober 2023 Prompts
Mathober is just right around the corner, so I thought I’d post this year’s prompts early for those that like to plan ahead or incorporate any of this into a classroom. I look forward to seeing everyone’s creative expression of this year’s prompts. If you’ve never participated – join in! Here are so
Raven Paradox
Raven’s were a fun one to research. I had a hard time selecting the math for these intriguing birds. From vocalizations to intelligence to barrel rolls – it was a tough pick. I ended up going with the Raven Paradox. I couldn’t resist including a leucistic feather (not all ravens are black).
Valley Quail’s Airfoil
I had the delightful experience of seeing a beautiful quail family in Santa Cruz while traveling for work. The daddy quail sat atop a bush while mommy and chicks foraged below. Finding the right curve for the top knot was a challenge – Mathstodon suggestions led me down a few paths and ended at a […
Using the “hat” monotile recently published, I put together over 20 coloring sheets that will hopefully inspire some to make their own maps with this shape. These sheets can be placed together as monotile islands – or Monotīslands. These may be fun to code with, use in classrooms, worldbuilding, sto